Assalamualaikum.Let's make it short and simple but still can get the points of what i'm gonna write here.
Nak cite how dalam zaman kecanggihan teknologi ni, those gadgets can be a good thing and can be the other way round. This issue is kinda lame actually, but it hurts my heart so much that i decided to share this.
SMSs vs phone calls.
Most ppl including myself wud prefer sms rather than phone calls sebab:
Murah, cepat, mudah...
tapi bende mudah ni dalam waktu yg sama menyebabkan perkara yg kite nk sampaikn tuh jd FLAT!
Dalam arti kata, tiada emosi, tiada intonasi, tp yang ada hanya delusi si pembaca. (baru lepas psychiatric department so penggunaan delusion telah disalah guna).
Si pembaca akhirnya meletakkan sendiri emosi dan intonasi yang kadang2 tidak bersesuaian dgn niat pemberi sms sehingga mengakibatkan salah faham dan kecik hati (spt yg dialami oleh diri sendiri sekarang).
Si pemberi sms: 'u ad mslh ke????' (mood: sgt concern/ambil berat nk tau masalah)
Si pembaca sms: 'u ad mslh ke????' (di mata pembaca, ad '!!!!!' kt hujung persoalan)
In pembaca's mind: ape masalah budak ni nk crik psl dgn aku, kalau nk cari gaduh ckp depan2 arr!!!!... (over, working diagnosis: PMS)
Well, get the point?
Sometimes, it is better to voice out things in your mind rather than make it into smses...
People can get confused, can imagine things that u never expect by ur words in sms.
Kalau sekadar nk bg informasi tuh, boleh la tp kalau nk pujuk, nk menegur, bg nasihat, tnye masalah dll yg mood dan affect itu memainkan peran penting, it is better to face the ppl directly or at least give a phone call.
Well, but if u still think smsing is 'ur way' and u never ever realize how much u need to work on ur social skills, then adding some emoticons might help. The end.