Membayangkan perpisahan sudah cukup menyiksakan...
Apatah lagi tatkala perpisahan itu benar-benar terjadi...
Aku mengharapkan tidak akan ada perpisahan itu...
Atau setidaknya tidak seharusnya ada titik pertemuan...
Tapi siapa aku untuk mengharapkan semua harapanku menjadi kenyataan?
Ak hanyalah manusia ciptaanNya...
Sedangkan Allah adalah sebaik-baik perancang...
Whatever happens in future, ya Allah...
Aku siap menghadapi ujianMu, dan aku redha dengan ketentuanMu...
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Najwa: The One That Makes My Day
Whenever i'm feeling down or malas tetiba nak belajar..
I would take some time to call my family members...
Nak minta semangat la kononnya...
Last Friday night, decided to skype with Najwa, my cutie little niece ..
Sambil2, nak tengok adik die, Naurah yang baru lahir..
"Ti Bell..."
"Kenapa ti Bell pakai spec mata?"
"Erk? Sebab minus ti Bell dari -2.00 dan jadi -3.00, dah teruk so kena la pakai spec selalu so that minus tu tak naik..."
Hehe, bohong la kalau bagi jawapan camtu kat die..
But the thing is actually..
Sometimes, u don't need to say anything...
Just by seeing the people you love would just made ur day...
Tapi boring la kot budak ni, if i skyped just because nak tengok muka dia...
So macam biasala.. we talked about her school, dah makan ke belum, sayang adik ke tak, Ti Bell cantik ke tak (erk?).. those kinda things...
And i always make silly faces so that she laughed.
I suruh die buat gaya macam-macam, and she's really into it. cute!
But sadly until one point, die dah bosan skype... She prefers watching tv and abandoned me alone, letting me being lonely all over again.. (i hate tv! tetibe emo...)
"Najwa, tengok cite ape tu?"
"............" (tak dilayan...sobs3)
So i decided untuk merajuk and hung up the video call.
(I dah boleh imagine actually, if Najwa sedar video i dah takde, she'll cry and ask my brother to call again..ngeh3)
Haha.. My assumption was totally right! Kring kring.. (ok tipu, that's not exactly how the skype call will ring...)
"Ti Bell, ti Bell tengah wat pe?" (Innocently asking...dah biase dah, ayat pujuk rayu die nih..dah tak termakan okeh..)
"Wawa lah, tak layan ti Bell, dok tengok tv jer.. Tgk cite ap?" (Tak termakan pujuk raju tapi ni ape cite? heh.)
"Cite antu..nak tengok tak?"
Dan die pun memusingkan laptop so that i can watch too...which i can't sebab ntah ke mana si Najwa ni arahkan..dapat tengok sipi jer..
"Nampak tak? Nampak tak?"
Sambil dibetul2kan lagi skrin laptop..
Nampak tak nampak, i pun cakap "Nampak..." Menghargai usaha die untuk ajak sesame tgk cite hantu die tuh... =)
The End.
Itu je la ceritanya..Not much significance pun. Maybe i'm the only one that thought she's just cute the way she is because she's my niece after all..=)
.:Saksikan Bahawa Aku Seorang Muslim:.
I would take some time to call my family members...
Nak minta semangat la kononnya...
Last Friday night, decided to skype with Najwa, my cutie little niece ..
Sambil2, nak tengok adik die, Naurah yang baru lahir..
![]() | ||
tu dia... (Naurah sleeping~) |
"Ti Bell..."
"Kenapa ti Bell pakai spec mata?"
"Erk? Sebab minus ti Bell dari -2.00 dan jadi -3.00, dah teruk so kena la pakai spec selalu so that minus tu tak naik..."
Hehe, bohong la kalau bagi jawapan camtu kat die..
But the thing is actually..
Sometimes, u don't need to say anything...
Just by seeing the people you love would just made ur day...
Tapi boring la kot budak ni, if i skyped just because nak tengok muka dia...
So macam biasala.. we talked about her school, dah makan ke belum, sayang adik ke tak, Ti Bell cantik ke tak (erk?).. those kinda things...
And i always make silly faces so that she laughed.
I suruh die buat gaya macam-macam, and she's really into it. cute!
But sadly until one point, die dah bosan skype... She prefers watching tv and abandoned me alone, letting me being lonely all over again.. (i hate tv! tetibe emo...)
"Najwa, tengok cite ape tu?"
"............" (tak dilayan...sobs3)
So i decided untuk merajuk and hung up the video call.
(I dah boleh imagine actually, if Najwa sedar video i dah takde, she'll cry and ask my brother to call again..ngeh3)
Haha.. My assumption was totally right! Kring kring.. (ok tipu, that's not exactly how the skype call will ring...)
"Ti Bell, ti Bell tengah wat pe?" (Innocently asking...dah biase dah, ayat pujuk rayu die nih..dah tak termakan okeh..)
"Wawa lah, tak layan ti Bell, dok tengok tv jer.. Tgk cite ap?" (Tak termakan pujuk raju tapi ni ape cite? heh.)
"Cite antu..nak tengok tak?"
Dan die pun memusingkan laptop so that i can watch too...which i can't sebab ntah ke mana si Najwa ni arahkan..dapat tengok sipi jer..
"Nampak tak? Nampak tak?"
Sambil dibetul2kan lagi skrin laptop..
Nampak tak nampak, i pun cakap "Nampak..." Menghargai usaha die untuk ajak sesame tgk cite hantu die tuh... =)
The End.
Itu je la ceritanya..Not much significance pun. Maybe i'm the only one that thought she's just cute the way she is because she's my niece after all..=)
.:Saksikan Bahawa Aku Seorang Muslim:.
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Senyum itu untukmu...
Bandung, 09.05.2012
Saya sekeluarga baru selesai makan malam dan langsung pulang ke hotel..
Untuk ke bilik, saya kena melintas restoran hotel. Waktu melintas tu, ada beberapa orang kakak2 dan mak cik2 which i know, there are malaysians. And i smiled to them for quite awhile.
They looked startled and buat muke blur without thinking of smiling back at me!
Owh can i forget..
Di Malaysia, adalah sangat pelik untuk kita beri senyuman kepada strangers...tapi,
Di Indonesia, di Bandung specifically, people here teramat2 murah senyuman.
And saya yang belajar di sini almost 4 years secara tak langsung dah terbiasa dengan budaya tu.
Cuba je senyum kat ibu2 yang lalu lalang, about 8/10 will surely balas senyum kita. 2/10 tu maybe tengah senggugut or sumthing so otot senyum didn't get the signals. huhu...(husnuzon)
Bukan niat saya untuk mengatakan Indonesian people are better than Malaysians... I didn't mean that..
But, i'm just telling the truth...
Yeah2, bukan semua macam tu..
Tapi tak leh sangkal, sedikit sebanyak kita akan apply kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga.
Especially when almost all the people that u met are those yang tak suka senyum. At least not to strangers.
"Tersenyum ketika bertemu saudara kalian adalah termasuk sedekah." Hadith riwayat At-tirmidzi,
Ibnu Hibban dan Al-Baihaqi.
"Sesungguhnya pintu kebaikan itu banyak: tasbih, tahmid, takbir, tahlil, amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar,menyingkirkan penghalang dari jalan, menolonhg orang, sampai senyum kepada saudara pun adalah sedekah" Hadith riwayat Ad-Dailamy.
Dan kita dah selalu dengar - sesungguhnya muslim itu bersaudara.. (Al-Hujurat, 49:10)
Therefore, should i say more?
Senyum itu untuk dirimu..
Kerana senyum itu sedekah..
Dan sedekah itu ganjarannya pahala..
So, apa masalahnya sampai susah nak senyum? (sarkastik)
Owh, i just remembered there's one guy that i know who can't stop himself from smiling.. Seriously, even dalam situasi yang serius pun, he'll not forget to smile.
There's a time i thought, ape ntah masalah budak ni?
And this just came out of my mind, " org x senyum, tak puas hati.. org senyum pun, x puas hati gak.. so camne?"
In conclusion, hiduplah berladaskan quran dan sunnah. U'll find the right way. Start smiling and spread it out. *smiling face*
Saya sekeluarga baru selesai makan malam dan langsung pulang ke hotel..
Untuk ke bilik, saya kena melintas restoran hotel. Waktu melintas tu, ada beberapa orang kakak2 dan mak cik2 which i know, there are malaysians. And i smiled to them for quite awhile.
They looked startled and buat muke blur without thinking of smiling back at me!
Owh can i forget..
Di Malaysia, adalah sangat pelik untuk kita beri senyuman kepada strangers...tapi,
Di Indonesia, di Bandung specifically, people here teramat2 murah senyuman.
And saya yang belajar di sini almost 4 years secara tak langsung dah terbiasa dengan budaya tu.
Cuba je senyum kat ibu2 yang lalu lalang, about 8/10 will surely balas senyum kita. 2/10 tu maybe tengah senggugut or sumthing so otot senyum didn't get the signals. huhu...(husnuzon)
Bukan niat saya untuk mengatakan Indonesian people are better than Malaysians... I didn't mean that..
But, i'm just telling the truth...
Yeah2, bukan semua macam tu..
Tapi tak leh sangkal, sedikit sebanyak kita akan apply kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga.
Especially when almost all the people that u met are those yang tak suka senyum. At least not to strangers.
"Tersenyum ketika bertemu saudara kalian adalah termasuk sedekah." Hadith riwayat At-tirmidzi,
Ibnu Hibban dan Al-Baihaqi.
"Sesungguhnya pintu kebaikan itu banyak: tasbih, tahmid, takbir, tahlil, amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar,menyingkirkan penghalang dari jalan, menolonhg orang, sampai senyum kepada saudara pun adalah sedekah" Hadith riwayat Ad-Dailamy.
Dan kita dah selalu dengar - sesungguhnya muslim itu bersaudara.. (Al-Hujurat, 49:10)
Therefore, should i say more?
Senyum itu untuk dirimu..
Kerana senyum itu sedekah..
Dan sedekah itu ganjarannya pahala..
So, apa masalahnya sampai susah nak senyum? (sarkastik)
Owh, i just remembered there's one guy that i know who can't stop himself from smiling.. Seriously, even dalam situasi yang serius pun, he'll not forget to smile.
There's a time i thought, ape ntah masalah budak ni?
And this just came out of my mind, " org x senyum, tak puas hati.. org senyum pun, x puas hati gak.. so camne?"
In conclusion, hiduplah berladaskan quran dan sunnah. U'll find the right way. Start smiling and spread it out. *smiling face*
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Hope vs Fate
Sometimes, we hope that we become be a different person...
Sometimes, we hope that our lives are like those in the happy-ending movies...
I hope this and that...
But things aren't going the way we want, the way we hope sometimes...
Because the one that Hold our lives are not us... But Him...
The one that Decide our lives is Him...
But, isn't God is cruel of not granting our hopes?
He's indeed giving us the best for us...
Because most of the time, we thought those hopes are the best...
But, they're actually aren't...
"...And it may be that
you dislike something while it is good for you; and it may be that
you love something while it is bad for you. And Allah knows while
you do not know."(Al-Baqarah, 2:216)
.:Saksikan Bahawa Aku Seorang Muslim:.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Eating Habits.
Alhamdulillah, PERMAI 2011 @ Perhimpunan Mahasiswa Islam Malaysia di Indonesia telahpun berjalan dengan jayanya dan menutup tirai pada 26 Disember yang lepas. [skema]
Tapi, tak nak lah cakap pasal program tuh...( bila ada masa sesuai, insyaAllah...)
Nak cakap pasal eating habits atau cara pemakanan yang ada lah gak kaitan dengan PERMAI sebab kami peserta telah diberikan makanan yang seriously banyak!
6 meals for each day! (yay?)
Breakfast - Nasi goreng, nasi uduk & roti + strawberry/pineapple jam + tea
Lunch & dinner - Nasi + Ayam + sayur + telur + kerupuk udang
Morning/Evening tea & Supper - Kuih Muih + tea/coffee
Tapi, tak nak lah cakap pasal program tuh...( bila ada masa sesuai, insyaAllah...)
Nak cakap pasal eating habits atau cara pemakanan yang ada lah gak kaitan dengan PERMAI sebab kami peserta telah diberikan makanan yang seriously banyak!
6 meals for each day! (yay?)
Breakfast - Nasi goreng, nasi uduk & roti + strawberry/pineapple jam + tea
Lunch & dinner - Nasi + Ayam + sayur + telur + kerupuk udang
Morning/Evening tea & Supper - Kuih Muih + tea/coffee
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